PCF Research Report #4 – Baron Samedi

This installment of the Purgatory Case Files Research Reports is brought to you by fellow Wormhole Whisperer Purgatory I.S.S. 

The article should bring you up to date with Baron Samedi and what has been going on in the Purgatory Case Files, especially since we think it will be important for episode 2×10 of Wynonna Earp. Let’s get right into it.

Who is the Baron?

The Baron Samedi is a voodoo Loa of death and resurrection. It is rumored he appears at the crossroads of life and death. Should he accept your death, he digs your grave. But he rejects your death – you will be cured. There is a price. The price depends on his mood.

He is known to love cigars, drinking, and raunchy behavior. But, as a master of death and life, he is protective of children. People might recognize his “veve” or symbol of invocation from Josh Miller’s scribblings:


How he met Teddy Rooselvelt

In a letter to Wyatt Earp around 1883 – Teddy Roosevelt confesses to Wyatt that he has been dabbling in the occult and that he fears this led to the death of his wife and mother (letter can be found on secret BBD website). Here the Wormhole Whisperers raise a small objection that Teddy’s wife and mother actually died in 1884. Does the time difference mean anything? We aren’t entirely sure and it is outside the scope of this article. Suffice to say his mother and wife die in 1883 and in another letter in 1883 – Wyatt is congratulating Teddy on his new marriage. But given the subsequent letter published on untoldroosevelt.com, it seems pretty clear Baron Samedi made himself known to Teddy Roosevelt in 1883 and essentially told him the deaths were his fault for dabbling in the occult.

How he met John Schrank

Poor John Schrank had a rough time of things. He lost his parents at a young age, then lost his girlfriend in 1904 and he admittedly started looking into occult and black magic. Along his travels he summons Baron Samedi and claims to learn the secret to resurrection (reference Josh’s scribblings). He asks the Baron to bring his loved one back and the Baron asks a price – kill Teddy Roosevelt. Which he failed to do in 1912.

Why so angry at Teddy Roosevelt?

The recently released documents of Teddy Roosevelt show he and his daughter Alice went to Haiti in 1911. It should be noted here that Alice was quite the actual troublemaker in her day – including dabbling in the occult. She even got banned from the Taft White House for burying a voodoo likeness of Taft’s wife on the White House lawn. Alice became very ill and the Baron showed up to taunt Teddy and tell him he was going to take another of his loved ones.Teddy steals the one thing Baron needs to travel freely through the realms. Now he can only travel to this realm when summoned. Now by stealing the object of travel – did Teddy then ban the Baron back to the realm of the dead thereby preventing him from taking Alice? Feel like this could be foreshadowing of how one might save a loved one about to be taken by the Baron. In case anyone knows of someone that might be facing this predicament. So after stealing the Baron’s ability to come and go as he pleases – the Baron is furious with Teddy and wants him dead.

What did Roosevelt steal?

The latest PCF update (August 11) shows two pictures of Roosevelt with a top hat.


The pictures were in an encrypted BBD file decoded by Jeremy. This is not the first time that Roosevelt’s hat has been called to attention. The gateway to the secret BBD website was Roosevelt’s hat on an encrypted PDF file. One of the passwords to said website is BBD-1883-WYATT-TR-HAT-46695. Therefore, Roosevelt’s top-hat is very significant to the origins of Black Badge.

We also know that Baron Samedi talked to Officer Haught at a bar. Her description of him touched most key points (well dressed, dark skin, carrying a cane), but there is no mention of his top-hat.

All facts combined, it is safe to assume that Ted Roosevelt stole Baron Samedi’s top-hat, and with it his ability to freely travel between realms.

We also know that Ted Roosevelt personally took Samedi’s hat to Wyatt Earp to keep safe in the Ghost River Triangle. Where is this hat now?

It could have been made to look like something else. Perhaps a 1952 Purgatory Fair plate? Or sitting in a crate in the basement of Shorty’s? If it is a top hat – those collapse and absolutely could be baked into some pottery then sealed with the seal of the Order for extra protection.

Josh Miller

Cut to recent days and Josh Miller, grandson of John Schrank and Lydia Laurent, decides to use the information Lydia gave him to summon the Baron and have his Anne resurrected. However Josh fails miserably and ends up releasing the Baron into the Ghost River Triangle. Helpful hints, Josh – don’t touch the goo. Don’t try to control a demon.

Facts and Theories

  • The Baron can sense people close to death. He knows Nicole, knows a lot about her. Is this because she is about to be near death? Part of her backstory? Is he a huge WayHaught fan? Regardless it is pretty clear he is going to use her near death to strike a bargain with the Earp/BBD clan. Find my object or I dig Nicole’s grave (cue “feral” looking Nicole and Waverly)


  • The stolen item was taken to the GRT so Wyatt could guard it. This is mentioned in the untoldroosevelt.com letters and I find it interesting that Wyatt calls himself a gatekeeper. Falls into the mythos of Peacemaker/Earp heir acting as judge of who/what goes to heaven or hell. Wonder if Wyatt’s gun ever turned blue.


  • What is the item? Top four choices: sunglasses (maybe obsidian for dark magic?), top hat, cane, necklace. Most likely choice would be something that is always on his person: so necklace and top hat fit that bill. Wynonna has a necklace of unknown origins but there is a key with greek lettering on it – seems outside the Loa mythos. Top hat? Haven’t really seen one of those but it could have been made to look like something else. Perhaps a 1952 Purgatory Fair plate? Or sitting in a crate in the basement of Shorty’s? If it is a top hat – those collapse and absolutely could be baked into some pottery then sealed with the seal of the Order for extra protection. Another theory is that it is the cane. Possibly made from some obsidian or has obsidian on the top. Where could one hide a cane? How about with the blacksmith that is already doing protection duties by hiding a skull from Constance Clootie?


  • Mattie the Blacksmith Why is she here? Could be the ritual she did making Waverly the keeper of the bones (which recall did not go as expected) linked her spirit to Waverly? As Waves struggles with what to do the Blacksmith’s spirit comes to offer guidance and advice. Possibly to her warehouse where the stolen item is hidden. Another theory is that Mattie is there to give advice to Waverly on how to trick a demon.
  • In the picture with Roosevelt and Cleveland, there seems to be a face behind the window. Who is that? And why is that face not visible in this other picture?

We hope you got an idea what the Earp Squad is up against with Baron Samedi. Enjoy next weeks episode. Your Wormhole Whisperers.



PCF Research Report #3 – The Purgatory Seals

This Purgatory Case Files Research Report is presented to you by the ‘Wormhole Whisperers’ a group of Earpers dedicated to crazy fan theories. This specific article was written by Patricia.

You can find the other ‘Wormhole Whisperers’ on twitter: viking elf, AlwaysBored, PurgHobbyDetective, Earpdemondetective, Patricia, Carnivorous Cupcake, Purgatory I.S.S. and Vonna.

In past episodes, the storyline has focused on the mysterious seals hidden through Purgatory. Recently, we learned that there are 3 of them. These seals appear to be a common knowledge among the supernaturally-inclined characters in Purgatory.

  • Stupid Earl and the giant spiders were attracted to the seal hidden under the Trinity School Condos.
  • The Women in Black (WIB) are on a quest to break all seals.
  • Bobo moved the second seal from the church basement to Shorty’s.
  • Ewan mentioned to Juan Carlos in episode 2×04 that one of the “Insignia Seals” was opened.

Even though all of Purgatory is seemingly aware of the seals, Wynonna and the team know very little about them, and therefore we know very little about them. This post seeks to gather all we know about the seals so far.


The 2 seals we’ve seen at this point are identical:

  • A winged creature in the middle
  • A mysterious symbol
  • 5 repeating symbols around the edges, repeating 3 times. The first 4 symbols are separated from the 5th symbol with dashes.

The Winged Creature


The most striking feature of the creature on the seals are its wings. There are 3 pairs of wings (6 total), which leads us to the following possibilities:

  • The seal actually depicts 3 birds descending in a row. A murder of crows, perhaps.
  • It’s a seraph angel.
  • It’s a very stylized version of a mythical bird, such as a Phoenix, or even a gryphon.


Not much can be gleamed from the winged creature at this point, although it is worth nothing that the ritual used to break the first seal included dead crows, as Wynonna mentioned in episode 2×06. This becomes particularly interesting if we take into account that one of the Women in Black was sporting a dead bird on her head in episodes 2×02 and 2×03.


Right before Mercedes is attacked by the WIB, we can see that one of them has a black bird on her head. A crow, perhaps.

The Symbols

The first 4 letters on the seal appear to be the Phoenician letters Mem, Waw, Qoph, and Lamedh (pictured below for comparison).


According to Waverly, these symbols together mean “Let Thee Rise”.



There are reference articles for each letter at the bottom of the page. However, it’s worth noting that the letter Mem is believed to derive from the Egyptian hieroglyph for Water: . This is similar to the tattoo on a mysterious man from episode 2×04 (who we believe was a part of The Order, judging by his interest in acquiring Edwin Earp’s plate).



The Mysterious Symbol

While the first 4 symbols can be identified, the 5th symbol remains a mystery. There is 5thSymbolnot an equivalent for it in the Phoenician alphabet, or in any alphabet that we managed to get our hands on. There is also not an equivalent angel rune or demon rune for it. The closest we found were Nordic runes and a similar symbol in an ancient Berber nomadic north African language that has its origin in the Phoenician, but still, not a 100% identical match.

The 5th symbol is special in the fact that it’s also featured in the center of the seal, atop the winged creature. It wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume the symbol is a runic depiction of that very same winged creature.

Seal Locations

  • The first seal was located in a chapel at Trinity School. Judging by what Earl says in episode 2×02, the revenants predate the seals: “This place is old, you know. Almost as old as me.”
  • The second seal was at first located in a church basement, then later moved to Shorty’s, by Bobo Del Rey. Shorty’s used to be a Masonic lodge, and hence consecrated ground.
  • The location of the third seal is yet unknown.

According to the Women in Black, 3 people know the location of the seal:

  • Bobo Del Rey (dead)
  • Constance Clootie (dead)
  • Juan Carlos (alive)

Unanswered Questions

  • Why do the seals differ so drastically in size?
  • When did Bobo move the second seal: before or after he bought Shorty’s?
  • If Earl and the demon spiders were so drawn to the first seal, why isn’t Shorty’s getting swarmed with demons drawn by the second seal?
  • Assuming the seal was already at Shorty’s when Bobo bought it, how come the revenants didn’t react to it the same way that Earl did at the school?


We hope you had fun catching up with the research reports. Stay tuned for more. Your Wormhole Whisperers.










PCF Research Report #1 – Josh Miller

The wonderful people behind Wynonna Earp gave fans a wonderful treat –  the ‘Purgatory Case Files’. A website on which we can join Nicole Haught in solving the case around two break-ins, that quickly got more mysterious and complicated. Many fan theories developed around this case and its connection to the series. I found some earp-tastic friends in my search for the ideas that could be similar to what Emily Andras might have in store for us. Together we spend too many nights researching strange symbols and coming up with ridiculous theories. And this series of articles is here for sharing our crazy thoughts with you.

You can find the other ‘Wormhole Whisperers’ on twitter: viking elf, AlwaysBored, PurgHobbyDetective, Earpdemondetective, Patricia, Carnivorous Cupcake, Purgatory I.S.S. and Vonna.

In this first article I am going to cover the basics of what already has happened and dive into a few smaller theories about open ends of the case. The theories are going to be at the end of the article, so if you are following the case anyway, you can jump straight ahead.

For everyone else who is a bit confused about all the things that have been happening in the Purgatory Case Files (PCF), here is your update on Josh Miller and how he became a person of interest searched by the Purgatory Sheriff Department.

We started the case with a break in at the house of the Stentons. The interesting part of this case is that the back door was opened with a key and nothing was stolen. But a floorboard in the cellar was ripped open. There was a cavity underneath it, but nothing inside left. Almost nothing, a red bead can be seen on the crime scene pictures. And the place smelled like citrus and clove.

The use of the key lead to the investigation of the history of the house. And it had been bought recently by the Stentons in an auction. Later we found out that the house was previously owned by Lydia Laurent who is a key figure in both cases.

Lydia worked almost her whole live in the St. Jude’s Psychiatric institution. And in this institution a second break-in happened a few days after the first. At the beginning the cases didn’t seem to connect, but Lydia is their connection. For the break in in St. Jude’s Lydia’s keycard was used, but it couldn’t have been her, since she died 6 months prior. Additionally an odd combination of objects has been stolen at St. Jude’s: sedatives, syringes, blood bags with O+ blood and bags of sugar from the kitchen.

With the help of the Lawyer Andrea Johnson we found out that Lydia Laurent had a letter sent to a grandchild after her death. The grandchild was found by a hired private investigator and turned out to be Josh Miller. The exact content of the Letter is not known. Although, and now we are entering theory territory, it is very likely that a key to the Lydia’s house was part of it. And the keycard to St. Jude’s could have been inside the letter or under the floorboards. Although it is not clear why Lydia should have had it hidden there.

But why should Josh break into the Stentons house and later St. Judes. For that we have to take a deeper look into his personal story. Josh Miller was raised in the foster system, since his Mother Colleen Miller committed suicide one year after his birth and his father, Anton Miller, couldn’t handle the situation. He got into some trouble as a teenager but caught himself. Later he met his girlfriend Anne Wynde. After 2 years he wanted to propose to her at High Park. But before he could do so she died due to an allergic reaction. Emergency services could not reach her in time. After that he was in a downward spiral that ended with him in prison due to a drug offence. Later he was released and lived in New York when he was found by the private investigator.

A few days before he wanted to propose he started a blog under mybeautifulannieforever.com. He continued the blog and also wrote about the letter he got from Lydia.


We also got the CCTV footage from St. Judes and it shows someone who could be Josh Miller.

That’s why the Purgatory Sheriff Department declared him a person of interest. Theory wise, it is probable that Josh Miller broke into the Stentons house and St. Jude’s for the secret so big he couldn’t write about it on his website. And it could be connected to some kind of magic being able to bring Anne Wynde back to live, to some extent.

The story around Josh Miller connects strongly to the story of Lydia Laurent and especially John Schrank, his presumed grandfather. But Schranks story is very complex and will get its own article, which you can find here. [link]

But there are a few open ends we have theories about, that you can understand without knowing the whole John Schrank story.

1. The bead in the floor

There are a few theories when it comes to the red bead between the floorboard. One is that it suspiciously looks like the red pearls the so called ‘widows’ wear on their hands. A


widow might have been with Josh Miller while he broke into the house or be there after him, since they were searching for the same thing. Which leads to the conclusion that it was probably not just the keycard under the floorboards, especially since that would not explain the smell.


A different theory is that the read bead is actually a holly berry. They are an ingredient to sleep magic, protection spells and love spells.



2. The smell of clove and citrus

There are two main theories when it comes to the smell. First, clove and citrus are used in the production of holy oil. Which we have seen being used by ‘the order’ in episode 2×05. It consecrates the ground and has a visible unpleasant effect on the evil that walks that ground. Lydia could have protected whatever secret she left Josh with holy oil. Maybe to protect it from the widows, who came searching for it?

The second idea is that ‘The order’ payed the place a visit. Either with holy oil or with the herbs in their bird shaped masks. Since these masks were used by doctors in Europe during the outbreaks of the black plague and their beaks were filled with herbs to prevent infection (even though that clearly doesn’t work). Clove and citrus were part of these herbs.

3. The list of stolen goods from St. Judes

This really is a mystery. The ingredients are probably used for some kind of mystical business. We don’t know why Josh specifically needs those things, although if he is connected to the order, he is also connected to Juan Carlo. And he brought Dolls back to Purgatory and Dolls, in his rabid demon state, could have needed sedation and since he was attacked by mercenaries, sent by Agent Lucado, he might have needed a blood donation. Dolls has the bloodtype O+ like the blood bags stolen from St. Judes. Juan Carlo could have used this to fix Dolls up and drop him off in the barn of the homestead.


This is it for the first installment of the “Purgatory Case Files Research Reports”. Keep in mind that we get new evidence every week and that this article doesn’t stay fresh that long. But it’s all about having fun and coming up with crazy ideas anyway, cause who could guess what’s going on in Emily Andras’ brain.

You can find the official evidence from the Purgatory Sheriff Department here. And the Twitter account for the Purgatory Case Files here.